Odd Lots
- No, I’m not done yet. I’m almost a month behind schedule. If I were done, you would have heard the yell all the way over there, no matter where “there” is.
- One very practical contrarian habit of mine is eating dinner at 5 PM. Carol and I never have to worry about getting into restaurants. I don’t care if it’s uncool. It allows me to get to sleep by 9:30.
- Bill Cherepy sent word that Bicycle is now offering steampunk playing cards, in case you’re partial to poker by the stoker.
- Oh, and a zombie deck, too. Of course.
- A visually impaired person in our church reads The Book of Common Prayer (basically, the Episcopal Church’s missal) on her iPad. The Episcopal Church publishes a large-print edition, but the magic here is that she can make the print as large as she needs to. It’s part of a free app called Wayfarer, and is available in the iTunes store.
- Toshiba is about to release their Excite 13 tablet, with a 13.3″ display. Much bitching has ensued. My view: It’s not a smartphone, nor an ebook reader. It’s half a laptop (as is the Toshiba Thrive) and there are uses for half a laptop. As my tenure with the Asus Transformer Prime and its docking keyboard have shown, keyboards are nice to have on media-consumption devices, but it’s good to be able to undock them when you don’t need them.
- Sometimes, the world is your neon bulb.
- I still have a tin of Penguin Peppermints. However, it looks like the in thing now is Energy Gummy Bears.
- Or maybe Candy Lego.
- My suggested general term for this sort of scamtrolling might be teergrubing. The idea is to waste as much of a scammer’s time as possible. This is not new, but the examples cited in the article are very funny.
- Here’s lookin’ at you, squid.
Posted in: Odd Lots.
Tagged: ebooks · food · hardware · writing
Well, my copy of Pynchon’s “Against the Day” (paperback) weighs in 31 oz or about 900g. This tablet is listed at 998g so I don’t think the weight is all that unreasonable. If Evince was available for Android, this would make a great PDF (and comic) reader. Future Shop in Toronto has had these (or another Toshiba 13″ tablet) for a while now. At $650 and $750 (for 32G and 64G) they are out of reach, at least this year. But it’s luggable, not portable.
I got to thinking about you the other day. I used to subscribe to your various developer magazines and wondered what you were up to now.
It appears that you still follow your own mind, and I always liked that.
Best wishes!