Jeff Duntemann's Contrapositive Diary Rotating Header Image

Odd Lots


  1. Jim Mischel says:

    On the Googlebot thing: Check your Remote Publishing settings in WordPress. You probably are set to notify Google blog search whenever you post a new blog. That will trigger Googlebot to crawl your site again.

    (If you notify Ping-O-Matic, it automatically notifies Google blog search and several others.)

    1. Sunuvugun–I saw the URL for Ping-O-Matic when I set up the blog last year, but didn’t really look into it and thus didn’t understand what all it did. But yup, that’ll do it. Thanks for letting me in on it. There’s just too many moving parts in a lot of this stuff.

  2. Aki says:

    “…I’ve had some of my best ideas while driving across the featureless plains of Nebraska,…”

    Every now and then wetware super loop needs interrupts.

    “Dr. Atanasoff’s Computer,” Scientific American, August 1988 [not online].

    “The evening had not begun with particular promise. It had in fact, been so frustrating that he left laboratory, got into his car and began driving eastward from the college at Ames at high, concentrating on his driving to take his mind off troubles. After several hours he ended up some 200 miles away in the state of Illinois, where he stopped at brightly lit roadhouse for a drink.”

  3. Rich Rostrom says:

    “Low fetal weight (often caused by poor maternal nutrition) correlates strongly to heart disease, diabetes, and much else later in life.”

    There should be some evidence to correlate with this, mostly from the WW II era.

    For instance, it’s been said that the British people were better nourished during the war than at any time before or since, due to the combination of rationing with the government’s requirement that the nutritional value of available food resources be maximized. (For instance, Woolton pie, a highly nutritious dish of which the British people were thoroughly tired of by V-E Day.)

    So – have the birth cohorts of those years showed less heart diseases etc?

    Contrariwise, the war years were a time of acute food shortages in the USSR. It was noted, a generation later, that there hadn’t been any new grandmaster-level chess players from the USSR for several years – when the war-year birth cohorts were coming of age.

    The most acute example could be from the Netherlands, where the winter of 1944-45 was known as the “starvation winter”.

    1. The Starvation Winter cohort has been studied, as reported by Matt Ridley in The Agile Gene, pp154-157–that’s where I first heard of the whole issue.

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